We've been focusing on basic sounds and pairing them with various toys. We got this from
our SLP who found this on AuditoryVerbalTherapy.com. There is a handout by Ellen Rhoades
called "Sound-Object Associations" that covers this and more.
Here's some video of Sophie's progress:
The Car gets a "BRRRR" sound
The Fire Truck gets an "Oooooo" sound
our SLP who found this on AuditoryVerbalTherapy.com. There is a handout by Ellen Rhoades
called "Sound-Object Associations" that covers this and more.
Here's some video of Sophie's progress:
The Car gets a "BRRRR" sound
The Fire Truck gets an "Oooooo" sound
The Bus gets a "BUH-BUH-BUH" sound
Sophie also does Ahhhh for Airplane but I cant seem to get that one on
Go Sophie!