Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sophie Sounds Off

Sophie's ears are 1 and 2 months old today and she's already making lots of progress.
We've been focusing on basic sounds and pairing them with various toys. We got this from
our SLP who found this on  There is a handout by Ellen Rhoades
called "Sound-Object Associations" that covers this and more.

Here's some video of Sophie's progress:

The Car gets a "BRRRR" sound

The Fire Truck gets an "Oooooo" sound

The Bus gets a "BUH-BUH-BUH" sound

Sophie also does Ahhhh for Airplane but I cant seem to get that one on

What is exciting is that the minute we put Sophie's ears on, she starts to chatter away.  She'll also still signing up a storm and learning new words each week in ASL.

And just for fun, here's Sophie trying to get a rise out of mommy by pretending to eat dog food...

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